Fauré Le Page

Top (Similar) / Pants / Booties / Hat / Rings from Rocksbox / Fauré Le Page Bag (only available in boutiques)


So, I have a pretty great husband. Some days I feel that way more than others, but the day I found out he was coordinating the purchase of this bag from the Fauré Le Page boutique in Paris (one of the few places on the planet you can buy one) I knew I had married the right man. Okay, the shared morals and life goals, his killer smile and sick sense of humor count for something too, but come on! Unprompted  purchasing of a rare bag from a foreign country through a traveling co-worker? Bravo hubby, bravo.

Not traveling to Paris or Osaka anytime soon? Try eBay for the occasional Fauré Le Page listing.

The top is by my favorite, Free People. I just picked it up at Off Saks, so if you live near one, you may still be able to find it in stock. 

Palm Trees

Planet Blue Tee / Ray-Bans / Ring c/o Rocksbox

Enter my new favorite t-shirt for summer. Loose, comfortable burnout fabric and palm trees. What more could you want? 

Planet Blue is a local L.A. chain known for their collection of boho goods (think caftans and Free People dresses). Luckily for you, they also sell online. I could blow my whole paycheck on a new summer wardrobe every time I visit, so I try not to visit too much. 

If (when) you order this shirt, size down. It's meant to be loose, but I'm wearing an XS in this picture. 

Summer Solstice

Similar J. Crew Factory Dress / J. Crew Factory Shoes / Rocksbox Bracelet c/o

The last two months have been the most stressful and most incredible of my life. My husband and I purchased and moved into our first home. It's as wonderful and exciting as I expected, but no one prepared me for the stress and emotional exhaustion. And I was EXHAUSTED.

We've been in the house for over a month and are returning to some semblance of normalcy. This weekend in particular felt like we were finally settling in. The family of a dear friend gifted us with their old patio set and we were able to spend the entire summer solstice outdoors doing a combination of yard work, laying in the sun and sharing our first meal together outside. (Thank you Jan!) It was the sort of day I dreamed of when I thought of owning a home. A good reminder to stop running around with a laser focus on getting the house furnished and set up and to start enjoying it just as it is - unfinished and imperfect.

I waited so long to post these pictures, the dress had sold out, but J. Crew Factory is selling another one in the same fabric - just a slightly different silhouette. If you haven't checked out Rocksbox (think Netflix for jewelry) they're offering J. Frances readers one month free when you enter jfrancesxoxo at check out and who doesn't love free stuff?