Fauré Le Page

Top (Similar) / Pants / Booties / Hat / Rings from Rocksbox / Fauré Le Page Bag (only available in boutiques)


So, I have a pretty great husband. Some days I feel that way more than others, but the day I found out he was coordinating the purchase of this bag from the Fauré Le Page boutique in Paris (one of the few places on the planet you can buy one) I knew I had married the right man. Okay, the shared morals and life goals, his killer smile and sick sense of humor count for something too, but come on! Unprompted  purchasing of a rare bag from a foreign country through a traveling co-worker? Bravo hubby, bravo.

Not traveling to Paris or Osaka anytime soon? Try eBay for the occasional Fauré Le Page listing.

The top is by my favorite, Free People. I just picked it up at Off Saks, so if you live near one, you may still be able to find it in stock. 

Back to New York

Jacket / Sweater / Jeans / Shoes / Purse

It's been more than four years since I left New York. I jumped on an LA-bound plane the day after I graduated from the French Culinary Institute and this past week was my first time back. I loved living in the city and my time at FCI was easily one of the best experiences of my adult life, but I was ready to be back in Los Angeles. This Angeleno is not built for East Coast winters.

This visit, New York gave me the most perfect Fall weather you could ask for. Leaves changing color, crisp cool air that called for sweaters and beanies, but still totally bearable. I trundled around town in this uniform, visiting The Whitney and eating here and here. The Coconut Iced Coffee at Santina was life changing. They swore up and down that it's nothing more than espresso and coconut milk, but I aint buying it. Too good to be THAT simple.

It was such a treat to be back, see friends and eat amazing food, but more than anything, the trip solidified for me that leaving New York was the right decision. It's a magical city, but it doesn't hold anything for me anymore. I'm happy at home in Sunny Southern California.



Matching Separates

Images by Trevor Axt Photography / @trevoraxtphotography 

Images by Trevor Axt Photography / @trevoraxtphotography 

Banana Republic Top / Banana Republic Skirt / Green Flash Ray Bans / Louboutins / Clutch (old similar here and here

It's okay to be matchy matchy. At least it is when you have a great set of matching separates. I really love this trend when it's presented in a floral midi skirt with a matching boxy floral top, but I just couldn't pass up this Italian knit version from Banana Republic. It hugs in all the right places and just barely shows a slit of skin between the two pieces. In fact, when you're standing still, it can even look like you're wearing a dress. Does that mean I would wear it to the office? Not in a million years, but perhaps your office is less conservative than mine. Still, probably safe to keep this one for the weekends.

Spring Forward

Madewell Top / BR Skirt / Madewell Shoes / Dolce Sunglasses / Red Lip

Did everyone survive the time change this weekend? I definitely feel as though I missed out on some sleep, but in my book, it's completely worth it. Sunshine into the evening, longer days on the horizon and spring just a few short weeks away - definitely worth it.

This crop top from Madewell is barely a crop (just how I like it). It doesn't obviously bare the midriff, but occasionally, if you move in just a certain way, a little skin peeks through. Perfect with a midi skirt for spring.

Time changes always seem like a good time to shake up my morning routine. I'm going to be a little tired and out of whack the first few days anyway, so why not do it right? This morning my husband and I got up 30 minutes early, had coffee together and after he left for work, I got in a quick meditation. Here's hoping it lasts more than a few days as it was a great way to start the day - a nice break from the usual rushing around trying desperately to get out of the house on time to make it into work.