Been living under a rock and haven't hopped on the flower crown train just yet? Well, the holidays are the perfect excuse to get a little crafty and these holiday flower crowns could not be more simple to put together. Added bonus? Jo-Ann's is offering 60 percent off their holiday florals in-store this weekend. I spent less than $15 on flowers, wire and floral tape and had enough supplies to make two crowns. Here's the how-to:
Floral Wire - 22 gauge worked well
Floral Tape
Assorted stems of silk holiday flowers (I purchased two bunches of berries and four bunches of flowers in red and white, with multiple flowers in each bunch)
Step 1 - Measure wire around your head (or whoever's head the crown is to adorn). Cut more than you need and then twist the wire together where the two ends intersected around your head. It helps to leave the wire a touch loose, but not too loose - just enough so your thumbs could fit between the crown and your head.
Step 2 - Cut the blooms from their long stems, leaving no more than 1-inch of stem on each bloom.
Step 3 - Begin attaching flowers to the wire. Place the stem on the wire and wrap with floral tape. For the larger (weightier) stems, it is helpful to first attach the stems with something more substantial like duct or painters tape and then use the floral tape to cover. Make sure the flowers are all facing outwards and group them closely together for a full look. When you've made it all the way around the crown, make sure you haven't left any gaps. If you have, just fill in with more blooms, berries or greenery.
If this is your first time making a crown, it may feel awkward positioning the flowers. Just remember that there is no wrong way to do it and you can always go back and add more stems at the end.