Superfood Hot Cocoa

Hot cocoa is one of my favorite holiday treats. What I'm not such a fan of is all the processed sugar in your average cup.

In addition to the loads of healthy ingredients that make up this hot cocoa (raw cacao, chia seeds and cacao nibs), it is sweetened with just a bit of maple syrup and some stevia.

Now, I know that any  nutritionist will tell me that a sugar is a sugar is a sugar and that maple syrup has the same impact on my body as other sugars and I'm certain they are correct. However, in my experience, using a reasonable amount of maple syrup does not send me down the sugar craving spiral that other sweeteners do. Additionally, I don't get that weird dehydrated feeling from maple syrup that I do when I eat too much sugar.

I've listed maca powder as an optional ingredient at the end. It adds a grassy flavor to the hot cocoa that a lot of people may not like, but with that flavor you get an added shot of energy. Give it a try if you're up for it, but this drink is even more delicious without it.

One final note - please don't drink this in the evening before you go to bed. You may find you have some trouble falling asleep!

Superfood Hot Cocoa

Makes 2 Servings

2 cups almond milk

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

2 tblsp maple syrup

1 tblsp chia seeds

1/2 tsp cacao nibs

10 drops liquid stevia

1 t maca powder (optional - see note above)

Heat the almond milk on the stovetop or in the microwave and place it in a blender. Add remaining ingredients and blend on high until the chia seeds and cacao nibs are completely blended into the liquid.