Beet Purée

I used to be known to friends as the condiment queen. Open my fridge on any given day and you would find a Costco-sized container of mayonnaise. I used it for everything from sandwiches to cheese (gross, I know). If it was more than just mayonnaise I was after, I would drown whatever I could in my mother's special sauce - a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise.

Not that much has changed. I still enjoy an abundance of sauces and spreads, but these days I try to keep things a bit healthier. I first branched out from mayo by mashing avocado with lemon juice and a little salt. Then I began to experiment - what other fruits and vegetables could I turn into a delicious purée?

This beet purée is a great example of how you can add richness, not to mention vibrant color without giving up your healthy intentions. Plus, I like to use beets as often as possible so my husband can say his favorite joke - "Hey babe, are those beets? But are they fresh beets??"

In the picture above, I used the beet purée on a salad in place of salad dressing. The mayonnaise-loving side of me couldn't resist topping it with a runny egg yolk, but I promise, this would have been equally satisfying without the egg.

Beet Purée

4 beets, trimmed of root and stem

2 carrots, peeles

2 teaspoons coconut butter (manna)

salt to taste

Preheat your oven to 425. Wrap the cleaned beets together in tin foil, place on a baking tray and roast for 1 1/4 hours until the beets are tender. During the last 30 minutes of cooking, remove the vegetables from the oven and allow to cool. Peel the beets by gently rubbing the skin until it comes off.

Place the beets, carrots, coconut butter and salt in a Cuisinart and process until smooth. Use on sandwiches, salads and crackers.

Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

1 frozen banana

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 cup plain coconut yogurt

3 leaves of black kale (calo negro)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 tsp spirulina

1 tbs chia seeds

5 strawberries cut into slices

2 tbs slivered almonds

Place banana, almond milk, yogurt, kale, protein powder, spirulina and chia seeds in a high speed blender (such as a VitaMix) and blend until smooth. Pour mixture into a bowl and top with sliced strawberries and almonds.

Chia Seed Lemonade

This formula couldn't be more simple, though I felt I had created healthy beverage gold when it occurred to me. So much so that I found it necessary to text the hubs and let him know he was married to a culinary genius. I won't claim to be the first to think of this, but I'm sure I was the most excited.

If you like the taste of fresh squeezed lemonade, but don't love drinking sugar, this beverage is for you.

Single Serving Chia Seed Lemonade

12 oz water

Juice from two lemons

1 tablespoon chia seeds

Liquid stevia to taste

Combine the chia seeds and the water. Add in the lemon juice and sweeten with liquid stevia to taste (I used a full liquid dropper's worth (about 1/4 teaspoon), but sweeten to your heart's content).

Allow the chia seeds to soak up liquid for 10 minutes before consuming. Pour over ice and garnish with fresh herbs or fruit if desired.

Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

I'm a sucker for anything chocolate. With my (perhaps ever-so-slightly) addictive personality, I think it is safe to call me a chocoholic. That is why, when I finally hit the right combination to make a pile of healthy ingredients taste just like a chocolate milkshake, I did a little happy dance in the kitchen. Okay, maybe it was around the whole house.

The cacao powder really adds a creamy texture so don't leave that out and by all means, please insert your own happy dance.

1 frozen banana

1 to 1 1/2 cups almond milk

1 tablespoon chia seeds

1 tablespoon cacao powder

1/2 tablespoon ground espresso

1 scoop chocolate protein powder

1 tablespoon unsweetened carob chips* (optional)

Place all ingredients in a high powered blender (I use this one) and blend until smooth. If you are making the smoothie ahead of time, you will want to use the additional half cup of almond milk as the smoothie will thicken considerably as it sits.

*I use the carob chips to add a deeper chocolate flavor without bringing refined sugar into the mix. Feel free to leave them out if you are not a fan.